Monday, August 03, 2009

The thing called "Contact Lens"

I am one of those unfortunate people who cannot see clearly, and therefore need spectacles or lens to see. I have been using spectacles for approximately 10 years or so. During those time, I tried to use contact lens from time to time. And I am not ashamed or afraid to admit that I never could get the hang of it.

I still need to use contact lens from time to time when I either break or lose my specs.
Most of the time, I end up with red eyes and tears running down my face. Don't get me wrong, I do get them in, sometimes even fairly easy with not much tears. And of course very rarely, at the first try.

I even went as far as to shamelessly admit it to my optician that I don't know how to put the lens in!! He very kindly showed me how to do it properly. Even after that, I still don't get it. I thought I did everything the same, but it's the same sad story again, tears running down my cheeks.

I know everything theoretically, put the lens onto the tip of forefinger, open eyes wide with middle finger and the other hand; bring the forefinger to the eye, just touching the eye; then leave the lens, look down, take the middle finger, then take the other hand away, that should do it.
But the lens always get folded somewhere or, some air trapped in it, etc. etc. and so on.
I have heard that some people don't even need a mirror, they just do it. Why can't I be among those people?
Is there anyone out there who's got the same problem as me? Any suggestion at all would be welcome.

Friday, June 12, 2009


If I'm gone....would anyone really misses me? May be somebody will, for a period. But I will soon be forgotten. There's life to live, people counting on you, money to be earned for a living and so on.

If I asked you point blank if you are going to miss me after I'm dead, the answer will always be 'Of course, we will miss you.' But will you really?

Think about it. How many of your friends have you lost or how many family members? Even someone you've known but not particularly a friend or a relative. And how many do you still miss? Oh you've thought about them every now and then, when something happens that makes you think of them. If you are honest, that's not much, I mean the time that you thought about them.

Sometimes I wish I could live forever, but then another thought enters. I would be bored to death watching the youngsters live their lives and old ancient me not really knowing what's going on anymore